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Monday, January 20, 2014


How do you see yourself?

       Welcome to blogging! I hope you have fun with it.  I know this is easy to say, and difficult to do when you are blogging for the first time. Remember, blogging should be fun because it is about you. Haven’t you always considered yourself to be a fun person? Well, there you have it. As long as you are writing about what you know best-you- everything you write will be fun, original and interesting. Take a look at the tips below for some hints to becoming comfortable with blogging:
1.                 Write about what goes right and what goes wrong in your life- a recipe, an experiment, winning or losing a game.

  • .    Your blog will evolve as you discover your voice and your style.
  •      It will be short and/or long posts, in which you reflect on something
  •      Blog as yourself. Be clear and open about yourself
  •      Your blog will be unique and original
  • ,    You are the only blogger who can blog you.

Now, find your motivation. What inspires you?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The picture is hilarious. The information is also useful. The bullets are useful. These really help. . Your blog will evolve as you discover your voice and your style.
    It will be short and/or long posts, in which you reflect on something
    Blog as yourself. Be clear and open about yourself
    Your blog will be unique and original
    , You are the only blogger who can blog you.

  3. The blog will really help me out alot with my future blogging. Also to make them more interesting

  4. This blog has a good explanation for blogs. However, I think that the blog should be formatted by the way you want it.

  5. This blog really helps my blogging skills and helps me improve my typing..

  6. Perfection.. except the picture. How does it relate to the blog?

  7. This blog has helped feel more comfortable blogging. It helps me to understand that I can write about whatever I want to.
    By the way, I love the background!

  8. As a side note, interesting picture! On to my main comment, this blog has a very clear explanation for blogs. My inspiration is very motivational quotes/life events/books.

  9. Has awesome pic. Helps me think blogging is easier than it actually is. What inspires me is writing inspiring things. I even inspire myself sometimes.

  10. it is a dog you cant see your self until you truly find it!

  11. I found this blog very useful. one problem? yes what is the picture for. THe rest of the blog is very useful advice on how to get an A

  12. I especially found useful when you posted to find what inspires you and write about it. This really set me thinking about my blog. Books inspire me in many ways, especially to be yourself and to not think about what others think.

  13. I could see how people could be inspired by this. A blogger telling people why and how to make a blog. But people CAN blog about others, right? I mean, as long as it's not libel or something like that. You can just mention them. For example: "George bought me an ice cream today! How nice!" Otherwise, it's great. (How great? Very great.)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I like the writing style for your first post. I think it was very concise yet informative at the same time. I like the bullet points, it kept things nice and clear. Oh, and I like the template :)

  16. I find it really helpful that the post helps set an example for what our own posts should look like. The picture corresponds also well with the post itself.

  17. I think that the title is very creative and that this blog will help me to feel confident about blogging.

  18. This post keeps things clear, and allows to author to easily understand blogging. The template is great, it presents the information clearly. This post also made me reflect on my blog...and I found after some searching that my inspiration is nature, it simplicity and beauty is marvelous.

  19. I agree with you and really helpful for creating blogs. I think blogs are a great way to express yourself in the way YOU want to be seen. For example, the cat wants to be seen as a dog, but it can't because it's a cat. But with blogging, the cat can be known as the dog, since no one reading the blog will know it's a cat.

  20. This blog has some really good tips for blogging! Thanks so much :) I get inspired from blogs like this and other things over the interweb (like videos, photos, etc). I really like the template and picture as well.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This makes me feel confident about creating a blog. I now feel that I can create a blog about anything and not have to worry about anything.

  23. This blog has taken away any doubts I had about creating my own blog

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This post makes me feel confident about creating a blog. I now feel as though I can create a blog about whatever I want. To answer the question about what inspires me. My Answer: books, book series, and their authors

  25. This is a great way to start your own blog. I will use my own life to inspire me and also help others

  26. That is a good place to start, but think about what you like to do in your free time, too.

  27. This blog really helped me understand how to blog and made me feel more comfortable about blogging. It is very helpful. I am inspired by nature, especially penguins, art, and books. Penguins are awesome!

  28. This blog really improved my self confidence and reassured me that my blog will be read. The bullet points were very helpful. I also agree that you are the only one who can blog you! I am inspired by art, music, nature, and beauty.

  29. I like it that you add tips on how to start a blog. I like the advice on being yourself, and that your blog will evolve on its own.

  30. Another thing that inspires me are people that have sacrificed lots of things to help others.

  31. This blog made me confident. I didn't think my blog would be read, but now I know it will be. The tips on being yourself are very handy. Thank you!

  32. Ha! The picture is good and the post teaches me alot.
