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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Fabulous Start to Your Day

Eggzacly what your body needs! 

I was reading online recently, on, about “Tech Breakfast”, a monthly breakfast in Baltimore, Columbia, DC, and Northern Virginia, where techies and developers share cool new technology in a demo format. It got me thinking about what a worthy breakfast would be for someone, like me, who needs to stay alert, focused and full, during my daily computer lab adventures.
I came up with some appetizing and easy breakfast options. Why is breakfast such an important topic? Studies have found that eating breakfast improves short-term memory and attention. Still tempted to skip breakfast? Then get this, students who eat breakfast tend to perform better than those who don’t. So, on that inspiring note, let me introduce you to the “Fab Four” of fast and easy breakfast foods:
Greek yogurt: this portable option is loaded with calcium and claims plenty of protein points, almost twice as much as regular yogurt - to keep you feeling full throughout the morning.
Oatmeal: this can be bought frozen, in single serving sizes, for easy microwaving, and it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can result in increased brain health.
Bananas: This fruit—especially when it is still a touch green—is one of the best sources of healthy carbohydrates, that keep you feeling full, longer.
Blueberries: Studies suggest that eating blueberries regularly can help improve everything from memory and motor skills, to blood pressure and metabolism
Personally, I prefer Greek yogurt, and I eat it every day. I eat eggs a lot, as well, and I have bought omega-3 enriched eggs, which provides me with a double whammy, because I am getting protein and omega-3s in every, super hero worthy, bite.
How do you kick-start your day? Are you giving your body the right fuel to work with?
  • Get a good night's sleep.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Exercise to help sharpen thinking.
  • Meditate to clear thinking and relax


  1. This post helped a lot! Now I know what to eat to be a better student! But the thing about eating a banana is that my grandma always says to never eat a banana on an empty stomach.

  2. I like the interesting facts about eating a good breakfast. But I never thought about eating Greek Yogurt for breakfast. I usually eat bananas plain but for blueberries, I would rather eat them with cereal. Thanks for the tips about eating breakfast.

  3. Great blog post! I am going to get blueberries when I go shopping next time. I didn't know that they improve memory and motor skills.

  4. Wow! This very interesting and has great facts about breakfast.

  5. This is a great post! I think I will start to make an effort to eat a more nutritious breakfast instead of just regular cereal. I also love your pun - "eggsactly what your body needs." Haha!

  6. I never knew that food can be so helpful in my life, especially the blueberries and bananas. Though I never eat any eat any of these foods for breakfast. Maybe I should start eating these foods to help my memory, or make my brain healthier.

  7. This is a great way to start the day! Now I know that I shouldn't skip breakfast. It is wonderful to know that blueberries help improve memory because my mom packs them in my lunch everyday.

  8. This post is really interesting! First, the "Tech Breakfast" seems like an innovative way to share new technology. After reading this, I think I should start to focus on eating a more wholesome breakfast. The fruits and greek yogurt sound like delicious breakfast options. Thanks for the ideas!

  9. This is such a simple way to boost your energy all day! I hardly ever eat breakfast; most of the time I'm too lazy or asleep. But these options seems quick and easy, and will keep me fueled all day. I love the other hints at the end-they help to complete the blog post and, and finalize all tips. Thanks for your tips!

  10. om nom nom...I love pomegranate Greek yogurt. And I eat blueberries all the time, but I don't like it when I get a sweet one-I prefer the sour-y-ish ones. And I'm not a big fan of the banana. Still, good to know bananas are healthy!

  11. I only eat a few of these food on a daily basis, so it's good to know that these foods can help me get started for the day each morning! I like your additional tips as well. Great post!

  12. This was great, but the "Tech Breakfast" relating to this sounds forced.

  13. Thank you for all the wonderful information on these foods. I eat some of these often and didn't know about these cool facts. I never knew oatmeal could increase brain health!

    1. You'd be surprised how many brain foods there are!

  14. Wow! No more cereal in the morning for me. I can't believe oatmeal increases brain health.

  15. This is a very informative. I actually love all of those foods, but not usually on a daily basis, so it is good to know that those foods are good for you.

  16. Now that I know that these foods are some of the most healthiest, I will eat them more often. This blog is very helpful. I love bananas and blueberries! I also like scrambled and hard-boiled eggs. I will try to eat them more often.

  17. Wow! Thank you for the facts about Greek Yogurt, Oatmeal, Bananas, and Blueberries. Too bad that i do not like Greek Yogurt and even eggs! Nice blog, and I think you will inspire many other people.

  18. I love Greek yogurt too! Thank you for this great information. I am excited to look at Love the Picture also, but what is that device that the hand is holding up to the eggs in the picture.

  19. These breakfasts sound great, especially Greek yogurt and granola which really gives it a crunchy felling. But why is there a picture of an iPhone securing eggs in a digital egg carton? What does that have to do with the importance of eating a healthy breakfast to keep you focused all day? And also, where does cereal rank on the breakfast/ nutrition/ focus scale?
